According to David BLANK
rmjb at netvision.net.il:
"Actually, there are several other DANNENBERG branches, all of which
seem to have taken the name independently. One is from Falkenberg and
was originally Plaut. Another is the Adelebsen branch. Another branch
came from Gronau, and we know when the name was taken. Another is the
Felsberg branch, which intermarried with the Plaut branch there. Still
another is from Trendelburg (near Adelebsen); One very old branch is from
Ziegenhain, and there are documents showing the family used the DANNENBERG
name in the early 1600's. There are also several other independent
DANNENBERG families in the Hessen area."
According to John DANNENBERG, The name DANNENBERG was first given in the
year 1152.
Aron DANNENBERG was a teacher. He married Jeannette
SPIRO (b. Hamburg, Germany).
They had one son: Nathan DANNENBERG.
Nathan DANNENBERG was born in Stadtensfeld, Hessen, East Prussia, 17 November
Nathan died of Diabetes in Frankfurt on the Main, 23 May 1911. He was a
Nathan married Minna OPPENHEIMER.
She was well known for her hospitality. They had five children, all born in Frankfurt.
- Arthur DANNENBERG (b. 20 August 1890 Frankfurt, d. New York, automobile accident) married Oti. Moved to US before World War I.
Stephen LOEB and Ketchen
SPIELMAN stayed with Oti in 1939 upon their arrival in New York before continuing on to Toledo,
and then Chicago.
Moses Manfred DANNENBERG (b. 1892 Frankfurt). Died as a German soldier in World War I, 186th Infantry Regiment, by Saint-Sauplet, France, 6 October 1915.
- Alfred DANNENBERG (b. 1894 Frankfurt). Died as a German soldier in World War I, 4th guard regiment, by Garlice-Parnova, Galicia, 14 June 1915.
- Julius "Lulu" DANNENBERG (b. 31
August 1895 Frankfurt, d. New York 1959) married
Betty LIEBEN in Bad Kreutznach
1923. Jonas LOEB set up Julius
LOEB, his brother Sally,
and Julius
DANNENBERG in a joint venture crystal factory around 1923. The
venture did well until their Czech craftsman left with the money, and they went out of business around
1926. Lulu owned a shoe store and lived upstairs.
- Gerald (Gert, Gerry) DANNENBERG (b. 19 June 1925, d. 6 May 2005) geralddannenberg at aol.com. Married (20 December
1955, New York) Lila GROSSMAN (b. 2 May 1928). Two
(b. 17 February 1956),
ajdannen at mail.med.cornell.edu,
director of Strang Cancer Prevention Center, professor
of medicine at New York Hospital.
Andrew married Ellen Randy PORGES
(b. 6 March 1958 New York City).
Ellen is a Managing Director of GOLDMAN SACHS.
See PORGES Family Tree
- Jordan Paige DANNENBERG, twin born 28 October 1993
- Kyle Innis DANNENBERG, twin born 28 October 1993
- Cary Gale DANNENBERG, 14 February 1998
- Dr. Alexander DANNENBERG (b. 1960),
formerly physicist at Harvard. Alex showed
that the effective potential is the convex envelope of the sum
of all one-particle irreducible diagrams with vanishing
external moments. Alex was
worldwide director of derivatives at Paribas and is now working for
Pine Mountain Capital. Alex's wife Monica
is a surgeon and professor at Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School.
They live near Boston.
Thanks to Alex for providing information
about this branch of the family.
- Benjamin Aaron DANNENBERG, 26 August 1996
- David Philip DANNENBERG (b. 18 December 1998, Manhattan)
- Jeanette (Anne) (Enne Shprintz)
DANNENBERG. (Born 4 March 1902 Frankfurt. Died 18 October
1986 = 15 Tishrei, Chicago,
buried Oakridge Jewish Cemetery, Block #33, Lot #59.) Wrote to Kaiser
after death of Manfred and Alfred to have remaining brothers
taken off
the front. Kaiser never wrote
back and while her brothers were taken
off the front, this happened only after
Julius was badly wounded.
As a teenager (17-18 years old), worked as a
secretary for Prof. SILZHEIMER, a rare Jew elected to parliament during the
Weimar Republiic. Anne DANNENBERG knew English, French, and German. In
the U.S., she worked as a bookkeeper.
Catherina SPIELMAN, better known to us as Ketchen or Detta
came to work for Minna and Nathan DANNENBERG at the age of 14. It was
traditional for young girls from the country to work in a family in order to
develop the skills they would need to run their own household. Several years
later her family found her a suitor in her rural hometown. Ketchen replied
that she did not need a new family. She already had a family, the DANNENBERG's.
When Jeanette DANNENBERG was married to Carl OPPENHEIMER,
Ketchen came with to help
her run her household. Ketchen remained in the household and raised
Stephen LOEB and Norbert LOEB as Jeanette was widowed, remarried and
immigrated to the United States. Later (around age 90) she expressed the desire
to be buried with the family in the Oakbridge Jewish Cemetery and converted to
Judaism. She already had a great knowledge of Judaism from her life with the
family. In fact she was the one who taught Stephen to say the Shema each night.
She passed away and was buried in the Oakbridge Jewish Cemetery, Hillside, Illinois (Block #28, Lot #31)
around four
years later after eight decades of family devotion.
- Barnett DANNENBERG (b. around 1870) married Leah KANTER and were reputed to have come to the
UK from Riga where Leah's father was a Rabbi.
Barnett had cousins in London called GOLDBERG
- Anna DANNENBERG born 1887 soon after arrival in UK
- Mary DANNENBERG 1888
- Betsey DANNENBERG 1896
- Isadore DANNENBERG 1897
- Reuben DANNENBERG 1901
- Berman DANNENBERG married Frieda WEINBERG
- Josef DANNENBERG (d.)
- Hermann DANNENBERG (d.)
- Alfred DANNENBERG (d.)
Allison DANNENBERG (b. 1971) now lives in Cabot, VT 05647
and goes by Allison (Dannenberg) JOYAL. She's editor of a monthly non-profit
community newspaper The Cabot Chronicle.
- Bill DANNENBERG (d.) married Martha (d.)
- Raymond Oliver DANNENBERG (d.) (married 25 Nov 1953)
- 4 other children
- LOEB married Anita DANNENBERG born 1913 in
Eberfeld, Germany now
living in Israel. (Contact David Blank rmjb at netvision.net.il)
- Marion LOEB married Arthur DANNENBERG
(b. 1891, d. 1990 Philadelphia). (Contact David BLANK rmjb at netvision.net.il)
- James Loeb DANNENBERG. Contact: Daughter-in-law Susan
- Barnett DANNENBERG married Leah KANTER, moved to UK from Riga around 1885.
Contact: Great-granddaughter's husband Mark J. Michaels 100533.3024 at compuserve.com
- Diedrich DANNENBERG died before 1832, apparently in
Eilvese. His daughter
Maria Dorothea DANNENBERG, lived in Mardorf, on the northern coast of
the STEINHUDER Meer, west of Hannover. Her daughter, Caroline
Thiesse, was born in Mardorf 1832 and died there in 1876. Maria is the
Great-great-great-great-grandmother of Jim EGGERT (below).
- Elizabeth Catherine DANNENBURG (born in 8-22-1839 in Berlin, Germany and died 02-12-1905 in
Amsterdam, NY). Elizabeth married William Henry BRINKMAN, Sr.
who was also born in Germany. Elizabeth had a brother named
Charles DANNENBURG who married Catherine Louise BRINKMAN.
As the story goes Elizabeth and her brother Charles came over on
the same boat that William and his sister Catherine were on. That is
how they met and eventually married and settled in Amsterdam, New York.
Catherine and Charles had four kids:
- Clara (Sarno) DANNENBURG
- Christian DANNENBURG who married a Nettie
- Christian Jr DANNENBURG
- Mary (Strewey) DANNENBURG
Charles DANNENBERG passed away and Catherine went on to remarry
and have another four kids.
Elizabeth DANNENBERG had a total of eight kids with Wm BRINKMAN.
Contact: Claudia KOSINSKI
- Ellie HOFFMAN DANNENBERG (b. Hanover, d. Auschwitz)
Contact: Alice LEVITIN
Majjongmav at aol.com
- James (Jim) DANNENBERG
dannenbe at hawaii.edu,
Judge, Hawaii.
- Lothar DANNENBERG, mathematician, Berlin.
mathematician, Göttingen, Germany.
- Richard VON DANNENBERG (b. around 1875) and Richard VON DANNENBERG
(b. around 1879). Contact: David A. Seibert
for photographs of these two boys taken 1880 at the Studio of W. Bruening,
Www at Berg-Strasse 26, Hamburg.
Ph.D. Math. Carnegie-Mellon Univ. 1982.
SJDannen at Hotmail.com
(b. 4 Nov 1971, Upland, California)
married Katherine MCNEAL-DANNENBERG.
Daughters: Heather Marie DANNENBERG (b. 31 Jan 1995) and
TAYLOR Katherine DANNENBERG (b. 17 Oct 2000).
married Monique ZASADIL.
Son: Jonathon Michael DANNENBERG (b. 4 November 1998)
- Family trees listed at Beth Hatefutsoth (Museum of the Jewish
Diaspora). For additional information contact:
bhgnlgy at post.tau.ac.il.
- 20, See book The FEUCHTWANGER Family
- DANNENBERG family: Hildegard/Bilah
ROSENFELDER b. 1919 Dransfeld Germany
- 329, contact: Dr. Amnon Kadman
10 Hugo Ernst St.
- DANNENBERG family: Amalia b. 1830
Geistingen Germany d. 1894, LOEB b. 1790 Bonn Germany
d. 1862
- 342, contact: Marion Cohn
Hovevei Zion 44
Tel Aviv 63346
- DANNENBERG family: Edith DANNENBERG b. 1915
Kassel Germany, Ida Wolffs DANNENBERG b. 1875 Felsberg
Germany, Marcus, Ruth DANNENBERG b. 1910 Kassel Germany
- 366, contact: Dina Evron
10 Yeshurun St.
Ramat Gan 63457
- DANANberg family: Amiram b. 1938, Jacob
b. 1896, Ouri b. 1932, Zwi b. 1929
- 624, contact: Addy COHEN
13 Har Dafna St.
Savion 56506
- DANENBERG family: Dalia Pomrock
b. 1939 Tel Aviv, Israel
- DANNENBERG family: Zipora b. 1928
- 994
- DANNENBERG family: Albert.
DANNENBERG family: Elinor, Zvi.
- 1276, contact: Esther PELED
Bet Haemek
D.N. HaGalil 25115
- DANENBERG family: CHaïm Lev, Rivka
Miriam, Yoel
- DANNENBERG family:
- Others collecting information on DANNENBERGs:
12 Bonnievale Drive,
Bedford, Massachusetts 01730. His DANNENBERG's are Lutheran.
Daniel E. LOEB,
eMail: loeb17@gmail.com