The Brit Milah of Benjamin Zelig Loeb
May 5, 1999
Helen shows off Benjamin to our guests before the brit.
The grandmother Sarane Loeb, the father Dan Loeb, and the big sister Gabrielle Loeb
just before the brit.
We began with a sephardic melody by Rabbi Joshua Toledano accompanied by Dan, Helen's
mother Laurette Cohen-Scali and her cousin Albert Berdugo.
The grandfather Armand Cohen-Scali says kaddish.
Laurette Cohen-Scali brings Benjamin to the brit.
Benjamin is passed between Grandmothers under the supervision of the mohel
Cantor Mark E. Kushner.
Grandma holds Benjamin on Elijah chair before passing Benjamin to the Sandek Benjamin's
Grandfather Stephen Loeb who held him during the brit milah.
Papy Armand holds Benjamin for the Priestly Blessing. Benjamin is wearing his special
kippah with his name supplied by the mohel.
Rabbi Cooper made kiddush and named the child.
The Mohel gave Benjamin a wine lollipop
during Kiddush while Papy Armand held him.
Siman Tov u'mazal tov!